Plant and Soil Sciences > Specialty Crops > Hops Research
Hops Research
Due to the growth of the craft beer industry in Virginia and the region, the College of Agriculture at Virginia State University (VSU) set out in 2014 to explore the merits of initiating a research and extension program on hops. Hops is an important ingredient in brewing that is used primarily to infuse aroma and bitterness in beer. Unfertilized female flowers (cones) are the plant parts harvested for this purpose. ARS scientists are currently evaluating different varieties of hops to find those that are suited for Southside Virginia.

We identified stakeholder needs and concerns by reaching out to a diverse audience that included growers, brewers, research scientists and extension agents. VSU’s College of Agriculture also hosted a stakeholder workshop that brought together growers, researchers, extension agents, brewers, and other invited speakers to discuss the future of hops as a crop in the region and to identify key challenges to be addressed through research and development.
In response to stakeholder interest, VSU’s College of Agriculture is establishing hops and alternative grain research and outreach programs to support Virginia growers interested in supplying ingredients to craft and homebrewers. We have completed construction of a 1-acre hop yard and agronomic trials on sorghum and two millets (potential sources of gluten-free malt) are ongoing.
The Hops Yard
The VSU hops yard was constructed using internal resources and labor, and we have summarized our experiences and cost estimates for the benefit of growers interested in establishing a 12-acre yard. Click here to learn more.
Download the hops presentation by Jeanine M. Davis, Ph.D, Associate Professor and Extension Specialist, Dept. of Horticulture Science, NC State University
Download the 2014 Virginia Hops Grower Survey Summary by Laura Siegle, Amelia County Agriculture Extension Agent
Download the Status and Outlook on Hops in Virginia Presentation by Laura Siegle, Amelia County Agriculture Extension Agent