Plant and Soil Sciences > Specialty Crops > Industrial Hemp Research


Industrial Hemp Research

Industrial hemp is a versatile crop that can be processed into different products with multiple uses. Its stalk can be used to produce biofuel, auto parts, paper, upholstery, and fiber for cloth and other textile items. The stem can also be processed into building materials, industrial products and different kinds of papers. Industrial hemp seeds can be used to produce feed or food or the sources of oil that can be converted into a lotion or cosmetic products.


VSU's Role In Growing Industrial Hemp

Virginia State University is one of the higher learning institutions authorized to conduct industrial hemp research in the Commonwealth of Virginia. This came as a result of the passage of the 2014 Farm Bill Section 7606 by the U.S. Congress and the subsequent enactment of the Industrial Hemp Law by Virginia General Assembly in 2015.

Virginia State University started to conduct field research on industrial hemp in 2016 season and has continued the work in 2017. Researchers at VSU will evaluate and identify industrial hemp varieties for seed, seed oil, and biofuel production that are adapted to Virginia climatic conditions. Optimum planting dates and fertilizer levels for maximum industrial hemp seed and fiber yields will be investigated. The research will also compare the quality of industrial hemp seed and fiber under different growing conditions. The results from the field trials will show how industrial hemp fits in the crop rotation system practiced in southeastern Virginia.